Sunday 25 August 2013

poem in which a person wakes with nervous optimism


notice how from on the dusty mattress
you can see the divots flying
through blinds open lopsidedly
below the air conditioning unit
wedged weirdly above the flaking sill?

a body lying where it has no wish to lie
is a universe of tells – observing dynamism
can energise as often as it withers
can intimidate but also buoy that body
can be the very observation of that body
by that body, a vision, a fore-glow, a flash
can be the observation within and beyond that body
and pretending not to notice is still to notice –

notice how the wire screen door sweeps open
to the frenzied mating call of a million cicadas
and a nature strip arrayed with ruined mattresses
and a road that gleams with radiant heat
like the black ice on deadly Michigan Highways?

it’s good to think of how a body imbibes sunlight
instead of being just another drywall within space –
sudden sunlight especially, which as with sudden
cold or fear or joy or the shock of tragedy
or the shock of the new morning, shock enough
to make the body shiver with ecstasy
can nourish the body and stimulate its sex – sunlight alone!
and pretending not to notice is still to notice –

notice how those laughing sand wedge users
are the first benediction of this, your only day
sunlit dampness of the grass they stand on
the second, the third the way the divots soar, then fall

and you’ve only taken twelve steps off your porch?

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