Sunday, 25 March 2012



star-shaped pail of sand                                                         poured on rippling puddles
and underwater,                                                                       mound upon mound
of akoya pearls                                                                          and palm-reader
wedding lines                                                                            etched upon my hands

                                                 the daybreak the dusk
                                          copper condors in gilded frames
                                                   your bedroom walls
                                                             your bed
                                               so low to the dusty floor
                                                  the upswept eddying
                                                         maple leaves
                                                   incense oil whorls
                                birthday party smoke of nightlong burnings

stuffed giraffes and lions                                                               arranged in a bassinet                  
for love                                                                                          one-eyed and earless
my love                                                                                          one-eyed and earless

                                             the flowers the flower-stems
                                                a thousand bees and you
                                                 in a sunflower meadow
                                                    on the path we trace
                                                    downtrodden leaves
                                           are lined like your too-old hands

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