Wednesday 16 October 2013

rave sketch - the water truck

where headwind-stiffened
prayer flags
strung as markers along the rabbit-proof fences
pigmented with lichen, rust and
ripped clothes, sidelining
a final single-lane
decline to the campgrounds
end – where prayer flags end
          a water truck’s bulk begins.
crowns at the ridgeline. full warhead tank concealed
behind the cabin and ingot-
sized hazards strobing, before
in the down-going, a wholeness comes to light
like the full extent of a King
Brown uncoiling on a highway
shoulder, or French braid wound
tightly round a woman’s hair like a hose
come loose in a difficult sutra.
a many-threaded scream, like the wholeness, grows.
stilling heat begrudges
          the sudden ecstasy.
it’s the bi-hourly sweep to saturate the dust
pale as David’s moulting
golden retriever’s black-cushioned
bed by his swag
(rolled rough, bow-tied like boots).
without it, the festival site would
whirly-whirl into oblivion.
it’s the bi-hourly centrifugal force – recycled
water mists a dust-like drift, a
constant smokescreen the truck
emerges from, prophetic ten-tonne mirage.
          storm smell
sings its rites to Lily and Aden
like sheet lightning to a crowd
milling on the shore
of a lukewarm ocean
eager to night-float in the flashes
and see everything.
          storm smell in the uncontested
aridness splinters midday
          samadhi. for their soil-
tinged ablutions, south camp
devotees sweep from far and wide with pack
hearts pack fervour, a joyful
counterpoint to the mania of
an overdose or other sobering hurt.
they jostle for position in
the slipstream of the massive
mandala till sated –
drenched. then they disappear
as the watered paths stomped to mud
turn bone dry
          in mercuric blinks.
when the truck is within his sights
and running his ken
Aden goes. left alone
in the five-tarp shelter
flagging lamely in the treeless wind
Lily gives in and goes too.
and although she is boiling
despite having queued forever
that morning for a five-dollar
          two-minute shower
she feels little urge to duck
her whole head of braided blonde hair beneath the sprinkler
loosing water only 
good for this. content instead
with the vivifying waves
of vapour, and with the way the waves
age Aden’s beard and eyebrows.
content also to watch, skirt stuck to her body
the squat ceaseless
rainbow make its rounds.

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